21 December 2016

Primarius, Primarius, 2014

After we drank [most of] the Hippo, we were all out of wine.  So, we did what seemed best and restocked.  The first one of the new stock was this puny Pinot.  Compared to Hippo, this was a lightweight.  It wasn't bad, though.  We drank it all, so it must have been at least OK.

4 / 5. Niki liked it more than Phil. 4 is a compromise.

Barons Creek, Hippo, 2013

The last of our Fredericksburg stash.  Barons Creek was the last stop on the wine trail, so by the time we got there, we were proper smashed.  When we had Hippo at the winery, it was AMAZING.  Just now (the other night), it was only good.  It got better once it had breathed for a while, though.  At first, it was very sharp and bitey.  But once it mellowed out, it was quite good.

3.75 / 5.  Would drink again.