12 April 2010

Marathon Training Day 78

We ran 10ish miles outside in VFFs this afternoon. We ended up being behind 18 miles, so we decided to do a long run to knock out half of it and add extra miles to some of our runs this week for the rest. We explored some new trails today. We ran from our apartment on the south side of campus all the way past Walmart to PEFCU financial mall. Then we turned around and ran back. On the way there and back we ran around a trail through the woods at Celery Bog park. It was fun and exciting to explore new places to run.

Phil & Niki
10 miles / 137 minutes
13.7 minutes / mile

We think we actually ran about 10.5 miles. We didn't map it out beforehand and instead aimed to run for about 2 hours. Close enough!

11 April 2010

Marathon Training Day 73-77

We didn't run for several days because of house buying stuff and laziness. I don't think either of us ever wants to go that long without running again. It was nice to rest at first, but it only made the next run harder. We will be catching up on our miles slowly over the next week or so.

06 April 2010

Marathon Training Day 72

3 miles outside in VFFs kicking all manner of ass.

3 miles / 24:24
8.133 minutes / mile

3 miles / 30:52
10.289 minutes / mile

Those are personal bests for both of us.  My first mile was 7:53, second mile was 8:17 and my last mile was 8:14.  Niki is so close to breaking the 30 minute mark.  It was not an easy run, mostly because we were pushing ourselves a bit hard (Niki says it was really windy, but I didn't mind).  But, we recover pretty quickly, so it's not so bad afterward.

05 April 2010

Marathon Training Day 71

7 miles outside in VFFs.

Phil & Niki
7 miles / 84 minutes
12 minutes / mile

Not a difficult run.  Ran around campus, weather was great.

04 April 2010

Gabbiano Chianti Classico 2006

The Wine
Region: Chianti Classico
Vineyards: Gabbiano

Oak: Oak, 12 months
Price: $10

Tasting Notes
Look:Translucent Maroon
Smell: Fruit and pepper
Attack: Subtle (not bold, but not weak, just subdued)
Evolution: Smooth, berry and pepper
Finish: Tastes good, seems to coat the throat, leaves a warm sensation.

A good wine for $10.  If we ever need a Chianti, we'll probably consider picking this one up again.

337 Cabernet Sauvignon 2007

The Wine
Region: Lodi, California
Vineyards: Clay Station Vineyards

Grapes: Cabernet Sauvignon
Oak: ???
Price: $13

Tasting Notes
Look: DARK burgundy
Smell: some kind of berry, maybe blackberry
Attack: smooth, dry, subtle, not easy to discern any specific tastes
Evolution:thick, but not creamy, texture, still hard to discern specific flavors
Finish: dry, short-lived, leaves one wanting another sip

We liked this one.  We probably will not seek it out to buy it again, but we would not be averse to drinking it again.

Marathon Training Day 70

Rest against my will.

143 lbs (+1.3 lbs)
BMI 20.03

123.9 lbs (+ 1.8 lbs)
BMI 24.32

We were supposed to run 7 miles today, but Niki had to do HW and I got caught up doing research.

03 April 2010

Marathon Training Day 69

5 miles outside in VFFs.

Phil & Niki
5 miles / 54:43
10.943 minutes / mile

We could have been faster, but this is OK.

02 April 2010

Marathon Training Day 68


Prepping for the impending Zombie Apocalypse.

01 April 2010

Marathon Training Day 67

3 miles outside in VFFs.

Phil & Niki
3 miles / 31:34
10.522 minutes / mile

That is a personal best for Niki!  It may not be too much longer before Niki breaks through to a sub 10 minute mile pace.  My feet, ankles, legs, everything feels great again.  So, that's good.