27 January 2010

Marathon Training Day 3

This morning Phil woke up to sore quads, calfs and a sore bottom. Lucky for Niki she only had sore quads. Despite the soreness, overall we both feel pretty good. Niki had an early class this morning so we ran our 3 miles at 8 pm this evening. Other people were in the fitness room so Phil got to run on a treadmill, but Niki had to make do with an elliptical. Here are our stats for today:

11.828 minutes per mile

38 even
12.67 minutes per mile

After the workout we both could feel it in our leg muscles. Today's run was easier than yesterday's and we both felt really good after. It snowed some more today. The sidewalks are covered in snow and a little bit was coming down on our walk to and from the community center. Until the weather gets a little nicer for running outside, we plan to go to the rec for evening and weekend runs on the indoor track.

Tonight and tomorrow morning will consist of much stretching so that hopefully we both won't be too sore tomorrow. If we can stand it, lunges on Sunday should help. Things for us to work on: stretching our muscles so they hurt less and learning to run on the balls of our feet more.

3 miles tomorrow!

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