31 January 2010

Marathon Training Day 7

Week 1 of marathon training is over.  We ran 15 miles this week.  And, we feel pretty good!

Today's training was cross-training.  We played 30 in-game minutes of Wii Fit and then went for a 30 minute walk around the village (we went 1.5 miles).  Wii Fit lets you track your weight and BMI, so we thought we would track them on the blog as well.  Here's where we are now:

Weight: 140.4 lbs
BMI: 19.66
Goal: 155 lbs / 21.7 BMI

Weight: 125.9 lbs
BMI: 24.71
Goal: 111 lbs / 21.7 BMI

A BMI of 21.7 is dead center for the Normal range of BMI (18.5 - 24.9).  Niki is looking to lose 15 lbs during training for the marathon.  Phil, on the other hand, is trying to gain 15 lbs despite training for the marathon.  Freshman 15, where are you when I need you!?

Tomorrow is the first day of our second week of training and the schedule calls for rest.  No problem.


  1. Niki, you are either going to gain weight because of the muscle-gain, then lose some of it, to end up right about where you are.....or at 111 lbs. you will be too weak to run. i walked at the rec last night for 45 minutes. go me!

  2. I got 111 last September and felt fine, but my diet was very strict, I ate only vegetables and only enough carbs to get me through my day, I was drinking at least 2 liters of water a day and walking 8 miles each day. And Phil, unless you're doing some weight training and protein shakes, you're only going to get skinnier.
