24 January 2010

Wine and Running: an Explanation

The Goals
  1. Complete the Indianapolis Marathon on 16 October 2010.
  2. Taste 50 different wines by 2011.
The Plan
  1.  To train for the marathon, we are going to following a plan by Hal Higdon.  The plan is 18 weeks long, but we are going to slightly more than double it to 38 weeks because we are super-novices.  We are starting tomorrow by... resting.  Sweet.  We expect this to be difficult but exceedingly rewarding.
  2. The plan to taste 50 wines before the new year is to drink an average of just under 1 bottle of wine per week.  The key here is to not just consume the wine, but to taste it and remember it's characteristics so we can intelligently choose wines in the future.  For now, we will follow the About.com wine tasting guide.  We expect this to be both easy and rewarding.
We expect to have fun above all else.  Our intention for the blog is to keep a record of our progress and our thoughts as we proceed on this adventure.  Marathon updates should be posted roughly once per day and wine posts whenever we open a new bottle, roughly once per week.

If we run for our health, let us also drink to it. Cheers,
Phil and Niki

Progress Meter and Countdown
264 days until Indianapolis Marathon.
0 miles ran, 989 miles left to run.
(entry containing the training schedule explaining that number coming soon)

340 days until 2011.
2 wines tasted, 48 wines left to taste.
(entry on the 2 wines, a pinot noir and a merlot, coming soon)

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