30 January 2010

Marathon Training Day 6

Today's training was a 6 mile run and we killed it!

Phil, here.  I feel great.  Niki was complaining a bit during the run, but she pulled through strong near the end.  We ran at the community center.  We had to wait about 10 minutes for the treadmills to open up and while we were waiting we listened to a podcast about the public option.  But this isn't a blog about politics, it's about wine and running.  Here's how today turned out:

Phil & Niki
6 miles / 89 minutes
14.833 minutes / mile

We ran today at Niki's pace so we finished at the same time.  Whenever Niki changed her treadmill pace, I matched mine to hers.  I had a real easy time today.  My muscles felt fine afterwards.  Niki felt like she was going to die early on in the run and her legs were quite sore afterwards.  But, she finished and she feels great now.

We're taking showers now and heading out to see The Opera Show pretty soon.  It'll be our first Convocations show of the new year and we're really looking forward to it.

Tomorrow's training is cross training.  We'll be doing some Wii Fit, lots of stretching and then going for a walk around Purdue Village.

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