28 January 2010

Marathon Training Day 4

Phil here.  My quads are KILLING me.  But, in a sort of good way.

Today's training was another 3 mile run.  I had a PGSG executive board meeting tonight so we planned to go running at 8:30 at the PVIL community center.  When we got there, it was already occupied.  Our contingency plan was the Rec and we had no secondary contingency plan.  When we got to the Rec, the treadmills were packed.  And we had no idea where we were going to store our stuff.  But, we didn't have to wait too long, two treadmills next to each other opened up after a short wait and I found an open locker, stashed our stuff and we got to running.  This is how it turned out:

3 miles / 32:54
10.967 minutes / mile

3 miles / 42:15
14.083 minutes / mile

We both forgot to stretch before running, so that might be why we're a bit stiff.  Niki is substantially less stiff than I.  After we left the fitness center we went up to the second floor (the fitness center is in the basement) to peek at the puny indoor track.  It takes 9 laps around the 2 lane track to make a mile.  Niki and I are not impressed by it.  Hopefully, the Rec renovations will improve the track situation.  Anyways, the trek up to the 2nd floor and back down again was less than a cake walk for my thighs.

We remembered to stretch after running, though.  I am getting very close to being able to touch my toes.  It's exciting!  Niki can already touch hers because she has short legs.  Her short legs also mean she can't run very fast.  If we want to run the marathon together, we will have to work on a pace that is comfortable for us both.

I had a few mild side cramps while running.  I think I need to stretch and eat more foods containing potassium and learn to drink water properly while running.  Also, I think breathing can have an influence on side cramps, as in improper breathing can cause side cramps to occur.

Other than the leg fatigue (seriously, it feels like my quadriceps are bathed in lactic acid right now), we feel wonderful.  Tomorrow's training is rest.  Yes, please.

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