09 February 2010

Marathon Training Day 16

On the first day of our third week, we ran 3 miles.

This morning, we got to the CC before it even opened (we walked through something near 4 inches of snow) and had to wait a couple minutes for someone to come unlock the door.  The staff recognize us now.  Dedication!  Results:

3 miles / 34:15
11.417 minutes / mile

3 miles / 41:26
13.811 minutes / mile

That is Niki's fastest time yet on a treadmill.  I didn't beat my best time, but I ran the entire way, only stopping once for a water break.  So, that's an accomplishment.

Niki has her last qual tonight.  She'll be missing Lost.  I will not be missing Lost.  I will be torrenting it the second it is available online so Niki can watch it tonight.  It is imperative that Lost be seen the night it airs or else the episode will be spoiled.


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