11 February 2010

Marathon Training Day 18

3 miles downed at the Rec in our Vibrams.  That's right, Niki's arrived today.

3 miles / 30:41
10.228 minutes / mile

3 miles / 40:20
13.444 minutes / mile

I got to 2 miles pretty easily at a 10 minute / mile pace, then took a 1/10 mile water break and then ran the last 9/10 at a 9:40 minute / mile pace.  I probably pushed a little bit too hard, but it felt so good up until the last quarter mile.  My left ankle started hurting (on the right side) and I got a nasty cramp in my side.  But I powered through (like a champ/idiot) and made it.

Niki put her Vibrams on as soon as she got them out of the mailbox and she didn't take them off until just now.  We went grocery shopping before running (saw my advisor at the store) and she wore them while we shopped.  She was pretty excited to have them, finally.  She liked running in them quite a lot, too.

We both posted our best times yet.  Niki is getting close to breaking 40 minutes.  I probably still have a little ways to go before I break 30 minutes.

In related news, we have been exhausted lately.  Also, I'm reading Born to Run by Christopher McDougall. Great book.

Tomorrow is rest (yes, please).

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