18 February 2010

Marathon Training Day 25

3 miles on ellipticals at the Rec.

3 miles / 36:28
12.156 minutes / mile

3 miles / 34:58
11.656 minutes / mile

Niki beat me!

We did ellipticals because the 3 miles in VFFs yesterday were rough on our calves.  Niki was on a standard elliptical.  I was on this odd ambiguous motion elliptical.  It wasn't really an elliptical, it was like a cross between a stair master and an elliptical.  I could move my legs in whatever way I chose.  It was actually harder than running on a treadmill because I had to do work to move my feet forward.  Very odd and very tiring.

We didn't even finish running until 12:30am (I am back posting this for archival purposes).  So tired.

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