14 February 2010

Marathon Training Day 21

Niki here. Today was cross training so we played 30 minutes of wii fit and cleaned the apartment. Cleaning the apartment wasn't much fun, but it really needed it and it's so much better now. On the other hand, rhythm boxing on wii fit is a ton of fun! I also like the hula hoop, but six minutes of that wears me out. Time for body stats!

Weight: 141.1 lbs (-1.3 from last week)
BMI: 19.75

Weight: 124.1 lbs (+0.2 from last week)
BMI: 24.37

I gained a tiny bit this week and Phil lost about a pound, but we're still going strong. My goal for the next week is to eat Phil's granola bars less often. Phil's goal is to snack more. He got a few high protein bars to try on days we run so we will see how they work out. 3 training weeks down and only 35 left to go!

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