03 February 2010

Marathon Training Day 10

Phil here (Niki is making Blueberry Bran Muffins).

Today's training: 3 miles.

My calves are KILLING me.  The mile and a half I ran yesterday in the Vibrams is to blame, I think.  Apparently my calves were not up for that level of activity and now they are letting me know in agonizing detail how they feel about my (mis-)treatment of them.

Oddly (or, maybe not), it hurts very much to walk, but it hurts very little to run or jog.  So, I ran on the treadmill today.  Bad Idea.  I am hobbling around like an old man right now.  And, we have to run another 3 miles tomorrow.  I will need to find a way to do an equivalent cardio/endurance workout to running that will not be murder on my calves.

We ran at the Rec and we saw that they are asking students to try out new demo cardio equipment so we went to check it out and found a nice quiet room of brand new high tech cardio equipment.  There were touchscreens on the machines.  You could watch TV, plug in your iPod, or do really nifty visualizations of your stats while running.  It was awesome.  The user interface on my treadmill was not yet finished and I managed to get myself to a screen which did not allow me to return to the main stats screen with all the nifty visualization options.  Oh well, it was still pretty cool.  Niki ran on an elliptical machine again.  Here are the results:

3 miles / 34:27
11.483 minutes / mile

3 miles / 36:30
12.167 minutes / mile

To stave off weight loss, I have resolved to make my runs calorie neutral.  That is, to offset the calories I burn during a run, I eat an equal or greater number of calories as a snack after the run.  Tonight I burned just over 300 calories so when we got home I ate some yogurt (100 cal) and a glass of chocolate soymilk (200 cal), a granola bar (140 cal) and blueberry bran mini-muffiin (60 cal), for a total of 500 calories or +200 taking the run into account.  On top of that, we had pizza for dinner.

Finally, having the iPod shuffle was nice during the run.  I need to put more workout appropriate songs on it.  Deathcab for Cutie and Owl City are not exactly conducive to pumping oneself up.  A pretty awesome thing happened at the end of my run: I had 1/3 of a mile left to go and I was not feeling like running but then Disorganized Fun by Ronald Jenkees (longer album version: here) came on and I rocked the last 1/3 of a mile to what is probably my favorite jam right now.

Tomorrow: 3 miles.

1 comment:

  1. About running vs calories, you might want to focus on proteins and things that make muscle and energy. Carbs. Fat (like in cheese) isn't good for you, but small amounts is really your choice.
