02 February 2010

Marathon Training Day 9

This morning we went for a 3 mile run at the community center.

3 miles / 40 minutes
13.333 minutes / mile

3 miles / 36 minutes
12 minutes / mile

I wore my Vibrams today and they rocked.  My calves are going to be killing me for awhile, but eventually they'll stop complaining.

When we got to the CC there were already 2 girls in there so Niki and I ran on the ellipticals for a while.  Niki ran the whole way on the elliptical (ran is not the correct word, because ellipticals are nothing like running) while I moped and was grumpy and slowly ellipticalled my way to 1.5 miles over 25 minutes.  The next 15 minutes I spent running on the treadmill at a 10 minute mile pace in my Vibrams feeling awesome.

Bonus Round: My iPod Shuffle came today.  I got the silver 2GB version.  That's just over a day of music, certainly sufficient for a marathon.

Tomorrow is another 3 mile run.

1 comment:

  1. today is actually training day 9. yesterday was day 8. you forgot to post! i blame it all on you because i was busy taking a qual. :)
