16 February 2010

Marathon Training Day 23

3 miles on treadmills in Vibrams at the Rec.

3 miles / 30:38
10.211 minutes / mile

3 miles / 37:42
12.567 minutes / mile

Niki shattered her personal best today.  BAM!  Way to go, Niki.

My treadmill was possessed.  It had a 30 minute limit and it wanted me to run 3 miles in those 30 minutes.  Well, so did I, but it was a bit overzealous.  I put it at 6 and it went at 6.6.  I thought, OK... I can do this.  NOT.  I dropped to a walk at .7 miles and caught my breath and worked out a side cramp.  When I started running again, I put it back at 6 and it went to 7!  I managed to convince it to slow the hell down to 6.3 or so and was able to run for a while longer.  I ended up stopping and walking 3 times (Niki only stopped and walked twice!) and pounded my way to barely beating my last time.  Had the machine not been trying to make me make up lost time by running too fast, I probably wouldn't have been so gassed and probably could have made it 3 miles in under 30 minutes.  Oh well, next time... i.e. tomorrow.

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