07 February 2010

Marathon Training Day 14

Today, we cross trained.

We played Wii Fit for 30 minutes each and then went grocery shopping.  We didn't take a walk today.  Body Stats!

Weight: 142.4 lbs (+2 from last week)
BMI: 19.94

Weight: 123.9 lbs (-2 from last week)
BMI: 24.32

2 weeks of training down, 36 left to go.  So far, we feel like we are doing well.  More importantly, we are having a lot of fun and feeling great (most of the time).

Today is Super Bowl Sunday.  Colts vs. Saints.  I really don't care who wins.  Either Drew Brees (a Purdue Alum) leads the Saints to victory or the Indianapolis Colts (the Indiana team) win.  I'll be happy either way.  I predict the Colts will win, though.  We'll see if I am right.

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