13 February 2010

Marathon Training Day 20

6 miles at the CC.

6 miles / 82 minutes
13.667 minutes / mile

6 miles / 85 minutes
14.167 minutes / mile

We ran at the same pace for the first 4 miles and then Niki said I could 'run ahead' if I wanted to.  So, I did. We both felt really tired today and running the 6 miles was pretty tough.  When we got home, Niki wasn't hungry but I was STARVING.  Running 6 miles took a lot of energy that I apparently didn't have.

The Aggies pulled out a win over Tech.  And the Boilermakers beat Iowa.  Both our teams won today, so that was nice.  We wanted to watch the Olympics tonight, but NBC is completely off air right now in Indy, so we can't.  Unacceptable.  So, we're watching Tennessee at Kentucky.  Should be a good game, but Niki isn't interested in Basketball.  (Ooo... Tenn came back from 0-6 to lead 7-6 just now... nice!)

Tomorrow is cross training and apartment cleaning.

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